At Junopi Headquarters our Monday started bright and early trying to assist a local small business recover their data that got encrypted overnight by a Cryptolocker ransomware virus that infected their entire server. Unfortunately, Junopi was unable to do anything for them, as they had no backups of any kind. With their scheduling and accounting software encrypted, 15 employees unable to work and over $300,000 in accounts receivables, an event like that could wipe out an entire business.

With all of their data gone, the only solution for that small business was to pay the ransom in hopes of recovering their data. The decision to not have backups in place cost that business a lot of lost earnings, payroll and around $4,200 in ransom money. As of 9pm tonight we are still in the process of getting Bitcoins purchased and transferred. We are keeping our fingers crossed that the payment transfer will be successful and hope the data will be decrypted and returned.

We can’t stress enough how important it is to have good offsite backups in place. Most newer ransomware viruses can detect local backups and will encrypt those along with all other data. If you do not have offsite backup, please consider letting us set it up for you. Having offsite storage in place could mean the difference between the inconvenience of being down for a couple of hours while we get you back up and running and a potential loss of your business.
If you know of a local business, that does not have local or offsite backups, please consider helping them out by recommending Junopi to review their backup status. You might just save a local business from being another ransomware victim.
Have a fantastic night and please do not hesitate to reach out to if you have any questions on your current backup status or if you would like to add monthly offsite backup to your account.